QML Column: Items placed on top of each other
QML and Qt Quick
I try to use the
to automatically layout two custom components:GroupBox { id: groupBox width: 300 height: 300 title: qsTr("Y-Axis") Column { anchors.fill: parent DoubleInput { text: "lower limit" height:30 } DoubleInput { text: "upper limit" } } }
Here is my custom
:import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.5 import Style 1.0 Item { id: root property string text: "" property double value: 0.0 property int spacing: 20 property int labelWidth: 100 signal editingFinished(real value) height: input.height implicitHeight: input.height Text { id: label font.pixelSize: Style.fontSizeLabel anchors.baseline: input.baseline text: qsTr(root.text) } TextField { id: input x: labelWidth+spacing font.pixelSize: Style.fontSizeLabel validator: DoubleValidator{ locale: "C" } text: value.toPrecision() onEditingFinished: { root.editingFinished(parseFloat(text)) } } }
The result looks like this:
What am I missing?
hi @maxwell31
One option is to set height/width explicitlyColumn { anchors.fill: parent DoubleInput { text: "lower limit" height:30 width: 90 } DoubleInput { text: "upper limit" height:30 width: 90 } }
you can also use ColumnLayout instead of Column
ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent DoubleInput { text: "lower limit" } DoubleInput { text: "upper limit" } }
Hi @maxwell31 , you can make use of RowLayout in DoubleInput.qml and in main.qml instead of Column you can use ColumnLayout.
Below is the code with few changes:-
GroupBox { id: groupBox width: 300 height: 300 title: qsTr("Y-Axis") ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent DoubleInput { Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true text: "lower limit" } DoubleInput { Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true text: "upper limit" } } }
Item { id: root //####Instead of using 2 more variables you can alias the properties // property string text: "" // property int spacing: 20 property alias text: label.text property alias spacing: mainRowLayout.spacing property int labelWidth: 100 property double value: 0.0 signal editingFinished(real value) RowLayout { id: mainRowLayout anchors.fill: parent spacing: 20 Text { id: label Layout.fillWidth: true //####If you want you can also specify the height by using Layout.preferredHeight or Layout.fillHeight } TextField { id: input //####You can avoid this as you can use RowLayout // x: labelWidth+spacing Layout.fillWidth: true //####If you want you can also specify the height by using Layout.preferredHeight or Layout.fillHeight validator: DoubleValidator{ locale: "C" } text: value.toPrecision() onEditingFinished: { root.editingFinished(parseFloat(text)) } } } }