“QtMultimedia.availableCameras” does not return list of all available cameras
I use "QCameraInfo::availableCameras" for show list of available cameras. It works for a lot of cameras. But I have a new camera and it does not exist in list. This camera have a application and it works by self application. Also I can see that in node imaging devices in Device Manager.
The OS I'm using right now is Windows 10x64. I use Qt 5.11.2 (MSVC 2015, 32 bit).I use this codes in QML and C++:
QtMultimedia.availableCameras. qDebug()<<QCameraInfo::availableCameras().count();
My codes return list of all camera except "FMA050".
What kind of camera is that ?
How is it connected ? -
@SGaist said in “QtMultimedia.availableCameras” does not return list of all available cameras:
What kind of camera is that ?
Standard C-Mount camera with Aptina CMOS sensor.
http://touptek.com/product/showproduct.php?lang=en&id=274How is it connected ?
So it's a camera with custom SDK provided. Since DirectShow is mentioned did you already tried to access the camera through it ?
Qt has a DirectShow backend, check whether your application loads it using the
environment variable set to 1. -
So it's a camera with custom SDK provided. Since DirectShow is mentioned did you already tried to access the camera through it ?
check whether your application loads it using the QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS environment variable set to 1.
I start my application with the QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS set to 1 but to no avail.
qputenv("QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS", QByteArray("1"));
Application output:
QMediaPluginLoader: loading metadata for iid "org.qt-project.qt.mediaserviceproviderfactory/5.0" at location "/mediaservice" QMediaPluginLoader: Inserted index 0 into metadata: QJsonObject({"Keys":["directshow"],"Services":["org.qt-project.qt.camera","org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"],"index":0}) QMediaPluginLoader: Inserting new list for key: "org.qt-project.qt.camera" QMediaPluginLoader: Inserting new list for key: "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer" QMediaPluginLoader: Inserted index 1 into metadata: QJsonObject({"Keys":["audiocapture"],"Services":["org.qt-project.qt.audiosource"],"index":1}) QMediaPluginLoader: Inserting new list for key: "org.qt-project.qt.audiosource" QMediaPluginLoader: Inserted index 2 into metadata: QJsonObject({"Keys":["windowsmediafoundation"],"Services":["org.qt-project.qt.audiodecode"],"index":2}) QMediaPluginLoader: Inserting new list for key: "org.qt-project.qt.audiodecode"
@neda said in “QtMultimedia.availableCameras” does not return list of all available cameras:
So it's a camera with custom SDK provided. Since DirectShow is mentioned did you already tried to access the camera through it ?
Can you test that ? Is there anything mentioning registering the DirectShow filter for that camera ?