Which of the files created by Xcode is needed to run on the iphone?
Created a project in Qt, compiled in Xcode. These files appeared in the project folder:
Created a project in Qt, compiled in Xcode. In the folder with the project there was a folder Debug-iphonesimulator.
Which of the files created by Xcode is needed to run on the iphone? -
Well, you built the project for the simulator so none of them.
Select the iphoneos sdk to build your project.
Did you at least try to search in your project options ? Xcode's documentation ?
Hi @Mikeeeeee
When you build the Qt Code using the iPhone SDK a
file in your build directory.-
You can open that file using XCode, please fill the required fields and you can directly deploy the Package on the iPhone.
Make sure you have the developer certificate and the provision profile including the iPhone(s) you want to deploy the APP on.
Some helpful links
Create an .ipa file from XCode.
Support for iOS.All the best.