Replacing deprecated QtSignalMapper class to forward Signals in Qt5
I have this code which makes a mdi window written for Qt 4:
class MdiWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT ... private: QWorkspace* workspace QSignalMapper* mapper } MdiWindow::MdiWindow( QWidget *parent ) : QMainWindow( parent ) { ... workspace = new QWorkspace; setCentralWidget( workspace ); connect( workspace, SIGNAL(windowActivated(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(enableActions())); mapper = new QSignalMapper( this ); connect( mapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QWidget*)), workspace, SLOT(setActiveWindow(QWidget*)) ); .... }
According to the documentation
should be replaced withQMdiArea
.I did that and wrote the first connect like this:
connect(workspace, &QMdiArea::subWindowActivated, this, &MdiWindow::enableActions);
But what about
also that is also deprecated.So how can i update this line:
mapper = new QSignalMapper( this ); connect( mapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QWidget*)), workspace, SLOT(setActiveWindow(QWidget*)) );
I read
can be replaced with lamdas but how in this case?
If i understand right mapper forwards all the signals from this to workspaces active window? -
What signal do you connect to the mapper ?
What do you mean with that theres only these two lines going on in the constructor:
mapper = new QSignalMapper( this ); connect( mapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QWidget*)), workspace, SLOT(setActiveWindow(QWidget*)) );
Doesn't the mapper forward all the signals from class `MdiWindow`` here?
In midi Window iI have several
... private: QMdiArea* workspace; QSignalMapper* mapper; QAction *newAction; QAction *closeAction; QAction *exitAction; QAction *cutAction; QAction *copyAction; QAction *pasteAction; ...
I thought by creation of QSignalMapper with this it knows about them....
No it doesn't. How would it know what you want exactly to connect ? That's not the goal of this class.
Take a look at the example of QSignalMapper's documentation.
But from what you wrote, it simply hasn't been used at all and you can remove it from your code.
found later int the code it gets used like this:
void MdiWindow::updateWindowList()
windowMenu->clear();windowMenu->addAction(tileAction); windowMenu->addAction(cascadeAction); windowMenu->addSeparator(); windowMenu->addAction(nextAction); windowMenu->addAction(previousAction); windowMenu->addAction(separatorAction); auto i = 1; for (auto &window : workspace->subWindowList()) { QString text; if (i<10) { text = QString("&%1 %2").arg(i++).arg(window->windowTitle()); } else{ text = window->windowTitle(); } auto action = windowMenu->addAction(text); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(window->widget() == activeDocument()); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, mapper, map); mapper->setMapping(action, w); }
So how to get rid of the mapper here?
connect(action, &QAction::triggered, mapper, map); mapper->setMapping(action, w);
Something like:
connect(action, &QAction::triggered, [=] { setActiveWindow(window); });
@SGaist said in Replacing deprecated QtSignalMapper class to forward Signals in Qt5:
connect(action, &QAction::triggered, [=] { setActiveWindow(window); });
that works. But then comming back to the constrcutor lines. How to ged rid of them:
mapper = new QSignalMapper( this ); connect( mapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QWidget*)), workspace, SLOT(setActiveWindow(QWidget*)) );
@sandro4912 said in Replacing deprecated QtSignalMapper class to forward Signals in Qt5:
How to ged rid of them:
You don't need it at all anymore with the solution @SGaist suggested...
yes now its working even without. I had some other crash when in ported from QWorkspace to QMdiWindow but know everything works. thanks.
The please mark this thread as solved, thx :)