Building Qt Libraries ( optimization breaks circle drawing )
Installation and Deployment
While building Qt Libraries
in qt-everywhere-src-5.11.2 building
os windows 7
c++ tool: Visual Studio 2019
optimization: -O2Optimization -O2 in module QtGui breaks drawing of circles, sectors and everything connected to this.
If replace -O2 to -O1 then everything works fine.P.S.
I have tested even on qt-everywhere-src-5.13.2 - works wrong -
Basically, my question is not "why it's happened" by hoц to set option -O1 in one Qt module ( in QtGUI ) legally.
Now i have to hack wayI need to build all qtbase-everywhere-src-5.11.2 library as is, than correct QtGui/makefile.Release with replacing all -O2 to -O1
for QtGui
make clean
make installIt's too long way to success :)
Any ideas ???