QSerialPort.sendBreak() does not send break on Mac, but does on Windows
I'm trying to use the qserialport sendbreak function: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qserialport.html#sendBreak.
On Windows 10 with Qt desktop 5.12.3, this seems to pass a break correctly to an stm32 CDC VCP device. On Mac 10.13.4 with QT 5.11.0 it does not seem to pass a break sequence.
Is there a way around this or am I doing something wrong?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What about using Qt 5.12.3 as well on macOS ?
Just loaded 5.12.3 on my mac as well and it appears to have the same symptoms
It appears that this must be part of the Mac USB CDC driver because other terminal software "send break" functions don't work either.
No I'm using an STM32F7 chip with HAL USB CDC class software.
the QSP::sendBreak() based on tcsendbreak system call (on all POSIX-compatible systems). So, if it does not work, then, it is possible that it is not implemented in OSX driver. Anyway, try to check that QSP::sendBreak() return true. If it return false, then show an error text and error code.