Can't debug using QT Creator 4.9.1 on Mojave
Qt Creator and other tools
I can't seem to get the debugger to start on my Mac, when I do click on Debug, it launches a terminal window, which then contains:
Last login: Thu May 30 12:46:31 on ttys019 source /var/folders/ll/jqpkccpn1m91qf41447mdlyh0000gn/T/tmpXAK2Pt simon% source /var/folders/ll/jqpkccpn1m91qf41447mdlyh0000gn/T/tmpXAK2Pt Badly placed ()'s. simon%
If I edit that script (/var/folders/...) it seems to be a bash script, and my shell is set to /bin/tcsh (for a variety of reasons). Is there some place I can set my shell variant in QT Creator, and have Qt Creator write out something my shell will accept ?
I already tried
- exec'ing /bin/bash before launching QT Creator from the commandline
- setting the environment SHELL variable to /bin/bash
- launching the last line in the script (which seems to be what is actually necessary) from the terminal window.
... but no joy. Any other ideas ?
Simon -
Interesting case. I would recommend asking it on the Qt Creator mailing list. You'll find there Qt Creator's developers/maintainers. This forum is more user oriented.
Thanks, will do :)