QtIFW errors during uninstallation "Error during uninstallation:" if addElevatedOperation without UNDO step.
Installation and Deployment
I have a problem, on uninstall process, i get errors with "Error during uninstallation: " with empty description.
I think, it happens because "addElevatedOperation" must have both DO and UNDO steps(but i dont know how to add UNDO step of env. variable for uninstallation)
DO on installation step, UNDO on uninstall. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?Component.prototype.createOperations = function() { component.createOperations(); if(installer.isInstaller()) { component.addElevatedOperation("EnvironmentVariable","GST_PLUGIN_PATH", gstPluginPath, persistently, false); component.addElevatedOperation("EnvironmentVariable","GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH", gstPluginSystemPath, persistently, false); component.addElevatedOperation("EnvironmentVariable","GSTREAMER_1_0_ROOT_X86", gstreamerRootPath, persistently, false); }
If i comment this three "addElevatedOperation", then uninstall process will be successful.