the reasons of the QAction not execute triggered?
General and Desktop
I developed a cross-platform qt app which can work on the windows and mac, in my app, there is a menu and the menu has four QAction, in the most times, the QAction singal triggered can execute when I click the QAction,occasionally, I click the QAction which in the menu, the QAction singal triggered can't execute anymore,but this situation only appears on macos, the app work well on Windows,here is my code :QMenu *menu = new QMenu; QAction *TwoDAction = menu->addAction((QIcon(":/TestBed/FUEditor/data/qt/add.png")), QString(tr("2D Item"))); TwoDAction->setPriority(QAction::HighPriority); connect(TwoDAction,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(onAddParentItem())); QAction *ThreeDAction = menu->addAction((QIcon(":/TestBed/FUEditor/data/qt/add.png")), QString(tr("3D Item")), this, SLOT(onAddParentItem())); QAction *ARAction = menu->addAction((QIcon(":/TestBed/FUEditor/data/qt/add.png")), QString(tr("AR Mesh")), this, SLOT(onAddParentItem())); QAction *AnimAction = menu->addAction((QIcon(":/TestBed/FUEditor/data/qt/add.png")), QString(tr("Anim")), this, SLOT(onAddParentItem())); menu->exec(QCursor::pos());
I don't know why, but I want to know the possible reasons of the QAction not execute triggered, thanks a lot!
The code itself looks correct.
What version of Qt are you using ?
What version of macOS are you running ?
Can you provide a minimal compilable examples that reproduces this ?