How to keep focus in TextField when reparenting?
Hi @Vadi2 , you can use forecActiveFocus() i guess.
Here is the sample code based on what i have understood,just copy paste the code and check once whether this is what you need:-
Rectangle { width: 500; height: 500 color: "transparent" border.color: "red" TextField { id: txtField placeholderText: qsTr("Enter Your Name") width: 100 x: blueRect.width states: State { name: "reparented" ParentChange { target: txtField; parent: redRect;x:0;y:20} } } Rectangle { id: redRect width: 100; height: 100 color: "red" anchors.centerIn: parent } //####Click on this rectangle to reparent the textfield Rectangle { id: blueRect width: 50; height: 50 color: "blue" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: { txtField.state = "reparented" txtField.forceActiveFocus() } } } }
In this sample code, there is a blue rectangle if you click on it, the TextField will get reparented to a red rectangle and the focus moves to the TextField and you can type in it.
I played around with
- the difficulty I had is that my reparenting change happens on awhen
condition:states: [ State { name: "MINIMAL"; when: !dotnet.resourceText ParentChange { target: textArea parent: loadResourcesRow width: 300 height: undefined } }, State { name: "EXPANDED"; when: dotnet.resourceText ParentChange { target: textArea parent: addResourceScrollView x: 0; y: 0 width: addResourcesPage.width height: addResourcesPage.height } } ] state: "MINIMAL" transitions: Transition { ParentAnimation { NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y,width,height"; easing.type: Easing.InCubic; duration: 600 } } }
In this case it's not possible to call
easily, is there? -
Hi @Vadi2 , ohh okay.
From your code what i quickly see is the width of the TextField is different in both the states, so is it possible for you to use the "onWidthChanged" signal.
onWidthChanged: { console.log("On Width Changed") txtField.forceActiveFocus() }
Else you can do one more thing, you can use a string and assign it the state of the TextField and after that you can use the onChanged signal.
property string tempState: txtField.state onTempStateChanged: { console.log("State Changed",tempState) txtField.forceActiveFocus() }