Key double pressed Event
@ashajg hi,
I don't know a ready to use solution
you can start a timer (with desired intervall and reapeat:false) when first pressed Event occurs, then when you press second time check if the timer is still running, if yes It is a double if no it is not. -
Hi @ashajg , i dont know if there is any other way or any property in KeyEvents which maintains the count or handles the double press event of the key, i have written a sample code by using timer,please have a look into it.
Rectangle { id: root anchors.fill: parent focus: true color: "red" Text { id: txt anchors.centerIn: parent color: "Yellow" } property int count: 0 onCountChanged: { if(count === 2) doSomething(); } Keys.onPressed: { txt.text = "Pressed" if (event.key === Qt.Key_Return) { root.count = root.count + 1; if(root.count === 1) { doublePressTimer.start(); } else { doublePressTimer.stop(); } } } Timer { id: doublePressTimer interval: 500 running: false onTriggered: { console.log("Triggered") root.count = 0 } } function doSomething() { console.log("Inside function") txt.text = "Double Enter Key Pressed" count = 0 } }
Item{ focus: true Timer{ id:dblCheckTimer interval : 500 // you have to double press quicker than 500ms repeat: false running : false onTriggered: console.log("Timeout") } Keys.onPressed: { if (event.key === Qt.Key_Return) { if(!dblCheckTimer.running){ console.log("waiting 2nd press...") dblCheckTimer.start() return } else{ console.log("DOUBLE !") dblCheckTimer.stop() } }else{ if(dblCheckTimer.running){ console.log("canceled !") dblCheckTimer.stop() } } } }
@fcarney said in Key double pressed Event:
I would add a condition that if the timer is running and different key comes in, then it stops the timer.
To add to this: it's not just that a different key should stop the previous key press's timer, it should restart/recreate a new timer against this new key press (in case that turns out to be the start of of a double-ENTER, e.g. sequence is <ENTER> <some other key> <ENTER> <ENTER>).. Standard stuff.