Not able to center text veritical using painter.
I am using QPainter to paint a custom background on a widget. Then I want to center some text on this widget. Looking through the threads, if I want to use HTML type of text to paint in top of this, I need to use a QTextDocument. In doing this I can center the text horizontally but the text is always painted at the top of the bounding rectangle. I have tried using the Vertical Alighn flag but it does not help. How do I get the text below to alighn veritcally?
@void ButtonWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QPainter painter(this);
int Radius=40;painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, antialiased); QRect r1 = this->rect(); QPen myPen; QPainterPath myPath; QRectF fboundingRect; QPoint StartPoint = QPoint(0,0); myPath.moveTo(StartPoint); // Draw upper right curve fboundingRect = QRectF(r1.width()-Radius,0,Radius-1,Radius-1); myPath.arcTo(fboundingRect, 90, -90); myPath.lineTo(r1.width()-1,r1.height()-Radius/2); // Draw Lower Right curver fboundingRect = QRectF(r1.width()-Radius,r1.height()-Radius,Radius-1,Radius-1); myPath.arcTo(fboundingRect, 0, -90); myPath.lineTo(0,r1.height()); //Close the polygon myPath.lineTo(0,0); myPen.setColor(LineColor); painter.setBrush(FillColor); painter.setPen(myPen); painter.drawPath(myPath); if (DisplayMode==0) { painter.setPen(TextColor); painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 30)); painter.drawText(this->rect(),Qt::AlignCenter,DisplayText); } else { QTextDocument *doc = new QTextDocument(this); doc->setUndoRedoEnabled(false); doc->setHtml("<font size=14 color=\"white\"><b>"+DisplayText+"</b><br></font><font size=20>"+MinorText+"</font>" ); doc->setTextWidth(width()); doc->setUseDesignMetrics(true); doc->setDefaultTextOption ( QTextOption (Qt::AlignVCenter ) ); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); doc->drawContents(&painter); delete doc; }