QML (JavaScript) how to create dynamic object?
General and Desktop
The createRoom function does not work.
What I want is to create a Dynamic Room object inside the RoomPage.How can I solve this problem?
import QtQuick 2.4 RoomSelectForm { function createRoom(id,name,type,price,visible){ var component; var object; component = Qt.createComponent("Room.qml") object = component.createObject(roomPage2.roomLayout,{"x":0 , "y" : 0}); object.roomId = id; object.roomName = name; object.roomType = type; object.roomPrice = price; object.roomVisible = visible; return object; } }
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 Item { id: item1 property alias roomPage2: roomPage2 // blablablabla... SwipeView { id: swipeView RoomPage{ id:roomPage1 } RoomPage{ id:roomPage2 } RoomPage{ id:roomPage3 } } }
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 Item { property alias roomLayout: roomLayout // blablablablabla... GridLayout { id: roomLayout } }
import QtQuick 2.4 Item { property int roomId: -1 property alias roomName: roomName.text property alias roomType: roomType.text property alias roomPrice: roomPrice.text property alias roomVisible: room.visible Rectangle{ // blablablablabla... } }
please help me....
Does not work means ? What is the behavior ? You are creating local variable. Did you observe that ?
Some content is missing.I want to call the createRoom function in C ++.
QQmlEngine *engine = ui->quickWidget->engine(); QQmlComponent qml_RoomSelectCom(engine,QUrl("qrc:/RoomSelect.qml")); QObject *qml_RoomSelectObj = qml_RoomSelectCom.create(); QVariant qml_rooms; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(qml_RoomSelectObj,"createRoom",Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant,qml_rooms),Q_ARG(QVariant,5),Q_ARG(QVariant,"Test"),Q_ARG(QVariant,"wqe"),Q_ARG(QVariant,"1230"),Q_ARG(QVariant,true));
The createRoom function is executed but the Room object does not appear on the screen.
I think the use of this invokeMethod function seems to be wrong.How can I solve it?