Tableview row should change on pressed in QML
My delegate is image in tableview, How to change image of row which is selected onPressed and onReleased it should go back in it's original state.
itemDelegate: Image { id:item_id height: (tableView.height/(listmodel.count < 4 ? listmodel.count : 4)) source: { var activeRow = tableView.currentRow === styleData.row (activeRow ? Image 1 : styleData.row % 2 ? (image 2): (image 3)) } MouseArea { id:table_mouse_id anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { source = image 4 } onReleased: { tableView.currentRow = styleData.row } }
onPressed image 4 is getting load but Onreleased it is remaining as it is, everything is not being updated. it should update as onReleased it will update whole table means it will update whole cell again.
@Bhushan_Sure @J-Hilk @LeLev @dheerendra @Nikhilesh-N Any suggestion ?
@Bhushan_Sure, see this part of your code.
MouseArea { id:table_mouse_id anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { source = image 4 } onReleased: { tableView.currentRow = styleData.row } }
onPressed image 4 is getting load but Onreleased it is remaining as it is, everything is not being updated.
I suspect the above problem is hapenning during the 'onPressed' handler, and image4 is being updated in styleData.row also because of it.
What is actually stored in styleData.row? Can you add some console debug statements in either of the MouseArea handlers if printable console logs are possible? -
@Nikhilesh-N Thank you for suggestion. Hi nikhilesh, i resolved the issue with some different way , what i did is i put two images and
"onpressed" i am making one image.visible = true and "onreleased ", i am making image.visible = false. -
@Bhushan_Sure, very nice.
Also, please share your code sample here so that others can benefit from it. -
@Bhushan_Sure hi, you can't do this :
Image { id:item_id height: (tableView.height/(listmodel.count < 4 ? listmodel.count : 4)) source: { var activeRow = tableView.currentRow === styleData.row (activeRow ? Image 1 : styleData.row % 2 ? (image 2): (image 3)) }
you assign a function to source of your image, but that function does not return anything, you had to return var activeRow
eg :
Rectangle { property bool _isRed: false color: {var c = _isRed ? "red" : "blue";return c} }
@Bhushan_Sure said in Tableview row should change on pressed in QML:
"onpressed" i am making one image.visible = true and "onreleased ", i am making image.visible = false.
you can do
visible : mouseAreaId.pressed
} -
@LeLev Hi, i am not returning anything but it is taking values, suppose
A?B:C, so suppose A is true the it is returning B automatically, is it not right way ? -
@Nikhilesh-N Yes, Source code is attached.
itemDelegate: Image { id:item_id height: (tableView.height/(listmodel.count < 4 ? listmodel.count : 4)) source: { var activeRow = tableView.currentRow === styleData.row (activeRow ? Image 1 : styleData.row % 2 ? (image 2): (image 3)) } MouseArea { id:table_mouse_id anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { image4.visible=true } onReleased: { image4.visible=false } } }
@Bhushan_Sure said in Tableview row should change on pressed in QML:
i am not returning anything but it is taking values
no, you are just assigning your image path to a variable called var activeRow
@Bhushan_Sure said in Tableview row should change on pressed in QML:
A?B:Cok but you do var D = A?B:C
please test it and you will see
Rectangle { property bool _isRed: false color: {var c = _isRed ? "red" : "blue";} // you return nothing, **var c** is "blue" but the rectangle no! }
Rectangle { property bool _isRed: false color: {var c = _isRed ? "red" : "blue";return c } // now color will be blue // or return isRed ? "red" : "blue"; // or isRed ? "red" : "blue"; }
@LeLev I think you are talking about following
source: { var activeRow = tableView.currentRow === styleData.row (activeRow ? Image 1 : styleData.row % 2 ? (image 2): (image 3)) }
- var activeRow = tableView.currentRow === styleData.row
This line (tableView.currentRow === styleData.row) will return boolean
value and that boolean value will get saved in var activerow.
then this line
activeRow ? Image 1 : styleData.row % 2 ? (image 2): (image 3)will check if **activerow** is true then **image1** or else part. **activerow** will get updated in 1)
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@Bhushan_Sure sry i was reading this as single line expression like ...
my badvar activeRow = tableView.currentRow === styleData.row (activeRow ? Image 1 : styleData.row % 2 ? (image 2): (image 3))
this line is actually returning
(activeRow ? Image 1 : styleData.row % 2 ? (image 2): (image 3))
@LeLev Thankyou for your inputs :) :)