How to determine the project templates in creating projects using Qt-Creator?
I would like to create a project based on source codes at tutorial's examples, but even failed at the first step in Qt Creator. I don't know how to determine the project template I should choose for my current sample programs. If I choose 'Other Project' --> 'Empty qmake project', I must write .pro, .qrc and man.cpp by myself. I found I usually got failure in building even I copied the content of them from other workable projects. Did I miss something?
Ex., could you tell how to create projects for samples at or at
I would like to use Qt-Creator to re-create some projects from \Qt5\Examples... even there are .pro file in them. -
question, why don't you simply copy the example from QtCreator and edit that one ? -
I know to get those file to study and modify, but what I really want it to know through what kind of steps in Qt-Creator to create those projects. Even I have .pro at hand, I still can't figure out it.
If I can grasp the know-how of creating projects using Qt-Creator, how can I create my own projects other than Examples? And how can I demo Qt-Creator to create projects/programs to my boss? -
@Stan-Huang alight
Qt is only slightly more complicated to start up than your normal run of the hill c++ application.
Anyway, have you seen the getting started with Qt section of the docu ?
its a good in-depth guide how to get your very first project up and running