Audio file is not available on Ubuntu mate
General and Desktop
[0_1552374208953_Alarm01.wav](Uploading 100%)
Above audio file is from windows media.
This file is available on Windows but, on ubuntu mate (arm64), this is not available on Qt QMediaPlayer api.
It display [Warning: "Could not get/set settings from/on resource."]
Is there anybody knows reson?
Platform : Arm64 (Odroid C2)
OS : Ubuntu mate 18.04
Qt : 5.9.5 -
Please share the code you're using to access/ play the file.
Here is parts of my code to play wave file.
id: soundPlayerloops: 0 property bool isReadyToPlay: true property string completeSoundSrc: "qrc:/controls/sounds/Alarm01.wav" Component.onCompleted: { soundPlayer.volume = 1.0 soundPlayer.source = "" } onPlaying: { soundPlayer.isReadyToPlay = false } onStopped: { soundPlayer.isReadyToPlay = true } function setVolume(volume) { if (volume > 1.0) { soundPlayer.volume = 1.0 } else if (volume < 0.0) { soundPlayer.volume = 0.0 } else { soundPlayer.volume = volume } } function playCompleteSound() { if (soundPlayer.isReadyToPlay === true) { soundPlayer.source = soundPlayer.completeSoundSrc } } } Button { width: 50 height: 50 onButtonClicked: { soundPlayer.playCompleteSound() } }
You have that Alarm01.wav file compiled into application's resources, right?
Maybe check if wav is supported using
Plus, make sure you have all Qt's dependencies, for example by running:
sudo apt build-dep qt5-qmake