Resolution Inconsistency
Hi everybody,
I have an embedded system that has Debian based linaro and LXQt desktop manager has resolution 1024x768. I have created a qml based program that has 1024x768 resolution. But it shows itself bigger.
and my app
My main.qml
Window { id: root visible:true width: 1024 height: 768 title: qsTr("autovip") + mytrans.emptyString modality: Qt.ApplicationModal flags: Qt.Window | Qt.FramelessWindowHint color: "black" Intro{ x:0 y:0 z:1334 width:1024 height:768 opacity: 1 } Image { x:0 y:0 source: "qrc:/design/general/background.svg" width:parent.width height:parent.height Body{ id: bodyPart x:0 y:0 } BottomMenu { id: iBottomMenu x:0 y:690 } } CommandInfo{ id:info z:332 width:1024 height:768 } Item{ id:start width:1024 height:768 opacity: 0.7 Rectangle{ x:0 y:0 width:1024 height:768 color:"black" z:333 MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent } } } Rectangle{ id:startBtn anchors.centerIn: start; radius: 50 width: 200 height:200 color:"white" z:334 opacity: 1 property int systemstate: serial_mng.systemstate onSystemstateChanged: { switch(systemstate) { case -1: case 0: start.visible=true; startBtn.visible=true; break; case 1: start.visible=false; startBtn.visible=false; break; } } Image{ anchors.centerIn: parent source:"qrc:/design/general/on-button.svg" sourceSize.width: 150 sourceSize.height: 150 z:334 MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { GSystem.systemOnOff(); } } } MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: false //cursorShape: Qt.BlankCursor } Component.onCompleted: { GSystem.phistory = ["Home"]; GSystem.state = "Home" GSystem.setInfo(info); console.log(SM.value("main/lang")); console.log("Serial Con : "+serial_mng.isConnected()); } }
What is the problem?
Don't use hardcoded dimensions and positioning if you can. It's a can of worms. Better use anchors or layouts, then your UI will always adjust itself to available screen size.
Regarding the code - not sure what I'm seeing. So your window is wider than you want it to be, right? Or it is not positioned in top-left corner?
@sierdzio said in Resolution Inconsistency:
So your window is wider than you want it to be, right?
Yes, it is wider than I want. I have also tested it with a qwidget applicaiton given preferred size 1024x767 and it worked as expected.
Also this program is working well without lxqt desktop manager in another embedded hardware.
Hm, perhaps some DPI scaling issue, then. Check the options in HiDPI support page, maybe something will help.