How to make your own little application with 2d camera and objects in it.
Hello. I want to make application which has 2D camera in it and it can move in 2D(x,y) space.
In that application I want to be able to create openGL locators(which will represent polygon objects) and be able to move(translate, rotate, scale) them freely in 2D space. I have done until now all kind of basic UI in PyQt , but this is pretty hard for me and I am already very confused with all information I researched at this point . I googled a lot and closest thing looks "QGraphicsScene". How do you think, should I keep trying to achieve that idea with "QGraphicsScene" or there is something better? Thanks for any advice in advance. -
Well using QGraphicsScene would give you many of the transformations for free and provide good
But not sure what openGL locators is and if you can insert them into QGraphicsScene.