How can I display multiple images from local directory in a QML Project?
QML and Qt Quick
Hi Developers! I'm trying to display multiple images from local directory in a QML Project, How can I possibly do that in my QML Project? . I'm a newbie in QT programming. Please do help me. I highly appreciate any kind of answer, suggestion and idea regarding this matter. Hoping that you can help me guys. Thank you! Sorry for my English grammar.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
The Image type would be a good starting point.
hi @Double-A
yeas you can,I would suggest looking at the PhotoViewer Example
it should be able to find it in the example section of QtCreator as well
Hello! I'm using this code, this is code is running, but no image display. I'm using Ubuntu.
ListView {
width: 400; height: 500 FolderListModel { id: folderModel nameFilters: ["*.jpg"] folder: "/home/pc/jpeg_serial_capture/Capture_Image/04-02-2019" } Component { id: fileDelegate Column { Image { width: 150; height: 150 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit smooth: true source: folderModel.folder + "/home/pc/jpeg_serial_capture/Capture_Image/04-02-2019" + fileName } Text { text: fileName } } } model: folderModel delegate: fileDelegate }