Issue building static Qt version
Hi. I'm using a Windows 10 64-bit computer and I'm using Qt to develop a Qt Widgets Application. I would like to deploy the application for usage on other Windows computers. The application is a 32-bit application which I am compiling with the MSVC2017 32-bit compiler. I would like to compile the executable with static linking, so I am trying to build a static version of qt.
I have a normal version of Qt 5.12.2 installed. I downloaded Qt 5.12.1 everywhere source and extracted it to C:/qt/static. I then opened the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017 and ran configure -release -static -prefix "c:/qt/static" -nomake tools -nomake tests -nomake examples -skip webengine. I have python/ruby/perl installed and all in PATH.
Then I ran nmake. However, the building process is still going on after around 2 hours. I have an i7 4790k @ 4.0GHz and I am using an SSD drive. I have no idea as to why this is taking so long and I'm wondering if I have missed out any steps/if I might get caught up in some form of infinite loop. Any help would be appreciated.
Did you check it uses all cores for compilation ?
else it will take like a day :) -
Open task manager and see if cpu usage goes to around 100%