Error in generated makefile using qmake
I develop a few application and library (static or shared)
I get an error after compiling when copying my output binary to DESTDIR.
After research I realized that the line in the makefile file produced by qmake;
"MOVE = move" i change to;
"MOVE = copy /y"it works..
Why should i do this after running every qmake?
The first few lines of my makefile file;
MAKEFILE = Makefile
EQ = =
first: make_first
QMAKE = C:\Qt\Qt5.12.1\5.12.1\android_armv7\bin\qmake.exe or C:\Qt\Qt5.12.1\5.12.1\mingw73_64\bin\qmake.exe
DEL_FILE = del
CHK_DIR_EXISTS= if not exist
MKDIR = mkdir
COPY = copy /y
COPY_FILE = copy /y
COPY_DIR = xcopy /s /q /y /i
INSTALL_FILE = copy /y
INSTALL_DIR = xcopy /s /q /y /i
QINSTALL = C:\Qt\Qt5.12.1\5.12.1\android_armv7\bin\qmake.exe -install qinstall
QINSTALL_PROGRAM = C:\Qt\Qt5.12.1\5.12.1\android_armv7\bin\qmake.exe -install qinstall -exe
DEL_FILE = del
SYMLINK = $(QMAKE) -install ln -f -s
DEL_DIR = rmdir
MOVE = move
... -
Can you show your .pro file ?