Listmodel seft destroy on scrolling then crash app
Hi, im try make move item from listViewA to listViewB. But when i'm copied, sometime listmodel self-destroyed and make my app crash.
Code is complicated so i cant push code right now, see error on video i recorded here videoi create custom model like this
class Q_PersonInfoModel : public QAbstractListModel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(ListPersonInfo *lpi READ lpi WRITE setlpi) public: Q_PersonInfoModel(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~Q_PersonInfoModel(); // QAbstractItemModel interface public: enum { ID = 0, NAME, S3_FRAME_URL, S3_IMAGE_URL, CREATE_DATE, UPDATE_DATE }; virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override; virtual bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) override; virtual QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override; ListPersonInfo *lpi()const; void setlpi (ListPersonInfo *mlpi); private: ListPersonInfo *mLpi;
data save on class ListPersonInfo like this
class ListPersonInfo : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ListPersonInfo(QObject *parent = nullptr); // static ListPersonInfo *getInstance(); void addItem(PersonInfo item); void removeItem(int pos); QList<PersonInfo> getData() ; ~ListPersonInfo(); void setData(const QList<PersonInfo> &data); signals: void preItemAppended(); void postItemAppended(); void preItemRemoved(int index); void postItemRemoved(); void preResetItem(); void posResetItem(); void modelChanged(QString stct); public slots: private: QList<PersonInfo> mData; int count=0; // static ListPersonInfo *instance; };
assign model to customModel by call Q_INVOKABLE method return ListPersonInfo
ListPersonView.qml .... listPersonModel.lpi: controler.getListPersonInfo(index)
here the method getListPersonInfo(positionInList)
ListPersonInfo *MainControler::getListPersonInfo(int pos){ DB("pos: "<<pos); return groupCluster[pos]; }
declare groupCluster here
QList<ListPersonInfo *> groupCluster;
any idea why it destroy and how should i do for right ?
root cause may is parent of model your for listview custom model (ListPersonInfo in this case)
i use QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(); then no more crash hehe -
hi @RyuShai
I don't see the implementation so I have to ask, your
objectes do you give them your c++ class as parent?If they are without c++ parent the QML-Enging should take ownership of them and the GC may or may not delete them at random
@J.Hilk said in Listmodel seft destroy on scrolling then crash app:
s do you give them your c++ cla
i dont set ListPersonInfo parent, i set it default = 0
ListPersonInfo.hexplicit ListPersonInfo(QObject *parent = 0);
ListPersonInfo::ListPersonInfo(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { }
so parent = 0 is problem do you think ?
@RyuShai said in Listmodel seft destroy on scrolling then crash app:
however, still dont understand your idea, which parent should i give ListPersonInfo when create new oneprobably
(no idea what the actual c++ class is named)99% chance, you can simply give
as parent during creation of the ListPersonInfo object