Qt3d Sceneloader: Replace the material component of an Entity with my custom material at runtime
General and Desktop
i have the following code to load a collada scene using the SceneLoader:
SceneLoader{ id: sceneLoader source: "file:///home/rui/projects/cad/bodyplacement_lm36_v2.dae" MetalRoughMaterial { id:metal_mat objectName: "MetalRoughMaterial" metalness: 0 roughness: 0.9 } onStatusChanged: { console.log("SceneLoader status: " + status); if (status == SceneLoader.Ready) { console.log("Scene is ready"); var entitynames=sceneLoader.entityNames(); for (var i = 0; i < entitynames.length; ++i) { var entityname=entitynames[i]; var entityvar=sceneLoader.entity(entityname); for (var j = 0; j< entityvar.components.length; ++j) { var cmp=entityvar.components[j] if(cmp){ var cmp_class=cmp.toString(); if(cmp_class.indexOf("QPhongMaterial")>=0){ entityvar.components[j]=metal_mat; } } } } } } }
as stated in docs (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qt3drender-qsceneloader.html#details):
The loader will try to determine the best material to be used based on the properties of the model file. If you wish to use a custom material, you will have to traverse the tree and replace the default associated materials with yours.
after i iterate all the entities i try to replace the material component wit the code:
but isn't working. After debugging i can see that the loaded material isn't replaced.
How can i replace the material component with my custom material at runtime?