QtMobility package installation on windows
I installed Qtmobility package and followed the installation guide as specified in nokia forum. But still i am getting compilation errors. Can you please give the correct instructions.
Can you provide more info about this errors? Without this info it will be really hard for someone to help you.
I installed nokia qt sdk and downloaded qt mobility package from the net. After that i created folder c:\qtmobility and inside i extraced files. After that When I am trying give the command configure -preifx \libraries\ , i am getting error nmake and ming32-make not found. Is any other way to install qtmobility. I am not able to install qt mobility package since 10 days. Can you pls give the correct instructions for installing qtmobility package on windows xp.
Looks like you don't have path to mingw in your env. Add to PATH variable path FOLDER_WITH_NOKIA_QT_SDK\mingw\bin and I think it will help you.