[solved]Turn a ListModel into an xmlModel in toys\corkboards example
For practicing, I've tried to write an xmlModel for the toys\corkboards example but a block on the array of notes
@ListElement {
name: "Thursday"
notes: [
ListElement { noteText: "Meeting\n5.30pm" },
ListElement { noteText: "Weed garden" }
}@I think of an xml description like that
@<day name="Thursday">
<note>Weed garden</note>
</day>@I know how to write an xmlModel for the node day but how can I acces the subnode note
I've simplified the application. And I've got a listview of listview of rectangle.
Here an example of a xml data@<data>
<rect size="50"/>
<rect size="30"/>
<rect size="50"/>
<rect size="30"/>
<rect size="40"/>
<rect size="30"/>
<rect size="40"/>
<rect size="50"/>
<rect size="30"/>
<rect size="40"/>
</data>@And here my qml code
@import QtQuick 1.0
Rectangle {
id: root
width: 300
height: 200XmlListModel {
id: xmlFirstModel
source: "data.xml"
query: "/data/row"
}Component {
id:ligne_delegateListView {
id: listview1
width: parent.width
height: 20
model:XmlListModel {
source: "data.xml"
query: "/data/row["+(index+1)+"]/rect"
XmlRole { name: "rect_width"; query: "{at}size/number()" }
delegate:Rectangle {
orientation: "Horizontal"
}ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: xmlFirstModel
delegate: ligne_delegate
}@There should be more detail about Xpath possibilities in the XmlListModel description, because most of the people who read it, may don't know Xpath. Like me for instance.