Setting "hot keys" (or whatever they are called) for items in menus
How do you set the shortcuts for opening menus and submenus? I know there is setShortcut in QAction, but I am referring to the underlining of a specific character, so when that character is pressed while the parent menu is open, the submenu will open. (e.g.) "Print" is a submenu in the file menu, and the "P" character needs to be underlined so that when it is pressed, the print dispatch will trigger. I know that putting '&' before the specified character usually notifies the program which character should be the "hot key". Just wondering if there is any specific way to do that with Qt.
It's like you said: put "&" in front of the character you want to act as an accelerator.
@Chris-Kawa The accelerators are working, but the line that usually shows up below the accelerator key is not there.
It should show up (only) when you navigate to menus via keyboard i.e. hold "alt".
@Chris-Kawa Is there a way to make them always visible? Seems unreasonable to ask the user of the app to have to press the alt key to see them beforehand.
It's not Qt specific and that's how Windows worked from the time it was invented. The accelerators are keyboard navigation aid and they are not shown unless you use keyboard.