Installiation issue with Qt Quick Components for Desktop to use with Qt Creator
I have some installation issues with the Qt Quick Components for Desktop.
Any help to resolve the issue is appreciated.
Following are the steps I have followed
Downloaded the tar.gz from Unpacked the components
Added path variable value to the environment variables (OS : Windows 7) C:\QtSDK\mingw\bin;C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\bin
Ran the following command: qmake && mingw-make install This command has automatically copied the compiled component files to C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\imports\QtDesktop
Now when am going to the creator. In the design tab I can see the desktop components.
But its giving following error.QML Module does not contain information about components in plug-ins
Module path : C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/mingw/imports/QtDesktop
See "using QML Modules with Plugins' in documentation
....QDeclarativeComponent: Componenet is not ready
'file:///C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/mingw/imports/typelist.qml:2:1 module 'QtDesktop'plugin 'styleplugin' not found -
Just ran into this and I think we had a similar issue recently:
We actually have the Qt Creator standalone install, but we needed to do the following:
- In addition to what you did in \mingw\imports, add the whole \QtDesktop contents to the Qt creator lib path, e.g. for me:
Make sure this includes the plugin subfolder with the "styleplugin.dll" your make should have built.
E.g. my path to the styleplugin is:
"C:\Qt\qtcreator-2.5.2\lib\qtcreator\qtcomponents\plugin\styleplugin.dll"(we called our folder 'qtcomponents', not 'QtDesktop', but this should not make the difference).
Hope this can be of some help.
- In addition to what you did in \mingw\imports, add the whole \QtDesktop contents to the Qt creator lib path, e.g. for me:
Sorry to hear that.
I think I am out of clue here, because we're on VStudio 2008 compilers, and I don't know the specifics maybe to take care of with gcc builds.
Actually I'm not sure what the "mingw-make install" target does, if it just copies files somewhere, or actually builds the "styleplugin" DLLs. But rest assured it took us while to have the stuff working:
In the end I think we did it like this:
- we rebuilt the styleplugin and styleplugind.dll DLL using qmake and nmake (VStudio make). The copied the QtDesktop files including the plugin to various locations.
In fact I see the QtDesktop stuff ending up at three different locations on my PC:
styleplugin.dll and styleplugind.dll to
C:\Qt\4.8.3\plugins\QtDesktop -
But I'm honestly not 100% sure here and with no time to check. I can maybe ask my colleague to check again what in the end was the trouble.