Help me on Andoid development (Qt Version Missing)
I just downloaded Android SDK, NDK and want to configure for Android Development but I got a warning.
"Qt versions for architectures x86, arm, mips are missing"
Here's the screen snap:
! Versions missing)!What can I do now ?
Naive suggestion: How about adding them in Tools>Options>Build & Run>Qt versions? That is what the warning message recommends.
I'm having the same problem that you had. The Android section of options is giving me the same warning about missing Qt versions. And, of course, since it is still apparently missing some Qt version (what version I have no idea) I can't add a build and run kit to start a new Android project in Qt Creator.
Is this how your Qt Versions and Compilers tabs in the build & run options looked after installing Qt 5.1? Did you ever find a solution for the above warning in the Android options section? Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution for it?
I'll try Necessitas.
I tried installing Necessitas SDK from the KDE website, but that seems to use just Qt 4.8.2. Is Necessitas integrated into Qt 5.1 beta? I have seen posts on various websites where people talk about using 5.1 for Android. Does it have more or improved functionality over 4.8?
I have tried to fix my problem (the same problem the original poster had) using Tobias’s suggestion, but I can only find one qmake location in the Qt 5.1 folder. Are there more qmakes that I have overlooked? Is there something else I need to download? Or, should I just wipe out everything and reinstall?
The Qt 5.1 beta binaries contain only one platform (the desktop one you downloaded it for) AFAICT. I use custom builds of Qt most of the time, so I might be off the mark a bit;)
I saw the Qt 5.1 beta installer for android on linux available "here": .
I have similar problem. Can someone help me, please?
Here are my screenshots:
!!I am using gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) on Linux Mint 13, based on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (Precise Pangolin).
Thank You.
I have similar problem. Can someone help me, please?
Here are my screenshots:
!!I am using gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) on Linux Mint 13, based on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (Precise Pangolin).
Thank You.