Missing libraries
i cannot include tchar.h and windows.h they do not exist in the qt
My qt is Qt Creator 2.5.0 Based on Qt 4.8.1 (64 bit)
and my OS is opensuse 12.2 -
Why would you want to include windows.h on a Linux OS? Even if you did it would not work... unless you are crosscompiling.
that's exactly what i intend to do
Oh I see. I've never corsscompiled to Windows, cannot help. I'm sure there are some tutorials online somewhere.
i am going crazy with this . It's my graduation project.... 1 month till the end and i am stacked in the main functionality of my app
It's one thing to be able to cross-compile an application to Windows, it's another to use Windows only functionalities.
What specific function do you want to call ?