(resolved) adding versions of the libraries (was: Creator: size_t/ssize_t not recognized)
Other people got the same error message at http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/35130-Error-quot-QT-version-is-not-properly-installed-please-run-make-install-quot-on-Windows-XP and http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/7026 -- not sure if they're the same problem as your, but let's try.
Some diagnosis questions:
How did you install Qt 4.8.3?
How did you install Qt Creator?
After you told Qt Creator where to find Qt 4.8.3, did you re-configure your project (or start a new project) to use Qt 4.8.3?
One other thing: The pre-built libraries for MinGW are incompatible with the latest MinGW with GCC 4.7; you'll need GCC 4.4. I'm using the MinGW that came with the latest Qt SDK. (However, I don't think this is the cause of your error message. Using an incompatible GCC would still compile successfully, but crash at runtime)
- I pulled the libraries off of http://qt-project.org/downloads and just ran the installers
- I don't recall
- No...I figured I should get the installation right before trying to use it.
I haven't seen that error before, so I'm not sure what's going on, sorry
Since you just ran an official installer, Qt itself should be fine.
It might be worth putting your Qt4.8.3\bin folder in your PATH, uninstall Creator, reboot, and reinstall Qt Creator (you can get version 2.5.2 from the download page) -- and have it auto-detect your Qt installation
Hmm...still not working. It found the 4.8.3 directory from PATH, but didn't accept the version of qmake (same error as before). Currently I'm stuck with 4.8.1 for MSVC2010; this is going to pose a real problem very soon.
I even uninstalled and downloaded a new copy of the SDK for this effort...not sure where to go from here. I hesitate to file a bug report, since I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong, but...options are getting low at this point.
I'm at a loss, sorry -- no idea what could be the problem, or what to look for. The steps you've taken seem correct to me.
In the Build & Run menu, hover your mouse over the Qt version; it should display a long list of installatio macros/variables, pointing to parts of your installation folder (see screenshot). Does yours look similar?
!http://i.imgur.com/SS9jy.png(Qt installation)!
AFAIK, Creator is (should be) capable of handling all supported compilers at once; there's no compiler-specific version of Creator, unlike the Qt libraries.
Your error message originated from this source file: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator/blobs/master/src/plugins/qtsupport/baseqtversion.cpp You could try reverse-engineering it to see what Creator thinks is missing
OK...I think I have it working now.
For posteriority, here's what I did:
- I deleted everything from my Qt install (using the maintenance tool and then deleting the other directories with the libs, etc.), and reinstalled from scratch:
QtSDK 1.2.1
Qt Libs 4.8.3 (MinGW 4.4)
Qt Creator 2.5.2
Manually added the MinGW tool chain (even though there was already an entry), selected the g++.exe binary and the pythongdb debugger.
Manually added 4.8.3 to my Qt Versions.
Selected 4.8.3 in my build settings.
And now I seem to be back in battery.
Thanks for all the help, JKSH...I appreciate it.
OK, I may have a new issue here. As noted above, I got this working with MinGW, which I'd installed into C:\Qt\4.8.3 per the installers recommendation. Today I was going to try to install the libraries for MSVC, and the installer wants to install into the same location as above. If I do this, I'm going to overwrite files and cause general confusion, right?
Yep, installing into the same folder would do bad things :)
You can choose ANY new folder you want -- it won't affect Qt's ability to function. Even C:\PacMan\ will do, but I'd suggest something along the lines of C:\Qt\4.8.3_msvc\
P.S. And for consistency, the other installation could go into C:\Qt\4.8.3_mingw\ , but it's not necessary to disturb your private installation, if you can remember which is which
You're welcome. :) Whether you remove and reinstall or not is completely up to you -- Qt doesn't care. I would do it, because (1) I like a tidy and consistent computing environment, and (2) Qt Creator displays the name of your installation root in your "Qt Versions" list
Actually, point (2) made me realize something: It probably looks nicer to install into C:\Qt\4.8.3\mingw\ and C:\Qt\4.8.3\msvc2010\ instead of C:\Qt\4.8.3_mingw\ and C:\Qt\4.8.3_msvc\ ... because Qt Creator will then say
"Qt 4.8.3 (mingw)" and "Qt 4.8.3 (msvc2010)"
instead of
"Qt 4.8.3 (4.8.3_mingw)" and "Qt 4.8.3 (4.8.3_msvc)" -
This is very useful; I think I'm almost there. Should I create a manual entry for the MSVC tool chain like I did for MinGW?
I'm also getting some linker errors, stemming from my attempt to use sockets. According to the Microsoft online documentation, I should be including this library (which I am):
@_WIN32:libs += "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.0/Lib/win8/um/x86/ws2_32.lib"@
Any idea what might be going on here?
Pretty much.
I've always found manual setup easier than auto-detection, since I don't need to worry about the order of installation (the latter requires a library-and-then-Creator order). Also, I can remove/upgrade my manual installation at any time -- Creator will complain if an auto-detected library is removed, and won't auto-detect a version upgrade.
OK, I think I'm really close to wrapping this up. Here's the final (for now!) loose end:
MinGW and MSVC use different libraries for socket functions. MSVC uses ws2_32.lib, which I believe is the "standard" library for this purpose. MinGW, on the other hand, uses libws2_32.a.
So...how do I create entries in my .pro file that will work for both tool chains? (I assume that I want to use the different libraries for the respective tool chains.)
Hmm... I'm not sure. Does the `-lws2_32' flag not work for both versions of the library?
It might be worth starting a new thread, to get a new set of eyes.