QDoc & generatelist
I'm having troubles in getting the qdoc command \generatelist to work..I have 2 files looking like this:
QmlTestComponent.qml with the following content:
import QtQuick 1.1/*!
\qmlclass QMLModule1TestComponent
\ingroup group1
\brief A test component.
Item {}
@and a
\group group1
\title Group 1 related componentsContained components in this group:
\generatelist related
@From what I have read in the qdoc documentation, the output format group1.html should contain a list of all components having @\ingroup group1@ defined. However, nothing is displayed.
The same behavior for modules and inmodule, which also displays no results although I have components connected with the inmodule command.
I tested it on Windows MSVC2010 and MinGW, for Qt versions 4.7.4 and 4.8.1, both with the same effect.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?
After some more testing, I found out the following:
It depends whether the qdoc code is saved as a .qdoc or .qml file.
If the above code is saved as qdoc file (without the item definition and QtQuick import of course), the generatelist command works as expected. If saved as qml file, the component is not included in the list!Can anybody else confirm this is a bug of Qt4 (tested with 4.8.1 and 4.7.4)?
I'm also wondering if this is fixed in Qt5?