XRC files editing
So - I an looking for an editor for Wysiwyg editing of XRC files. Is there a plugin available?
If not, I would love to create one, but there is no documentation around that :(
Or is that too much to shoot for a first-time-plugin-developer?thanks,
r_a_venCaveat Emptor: Complete QT and Linux programming n00b here.
Do you mean wxWidgets resource files?
If yes, you can find information about this format here: http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/overview_xrcformat.html -
Yes - those resource files. I was planning to work on an open source project. But it so happens that the said projects uses these resource files and its tough to edit them by hand.
I was wondering if someone had already created a drag and drop editor (wysiwyg) for qt creator. I think no one has.
which brings me to the second task - should i create an editor plugin for QT to achieve that functionality. Not sure how easy/difficult it will be.