MeeGo Qt Components: ContextMenu for a ListView item?
I'd like to show a popup menu or dialog when long-pressing on a ListView item, like you can in Symbian and the native apps (read: ones that are written in MeeGo Touch FW) on the N950 (for example Contacts list). I saw that there is a ContextMenu component available in the Qt Components for Harmattan MeeGo and the QmlComponentGallery is using this too ( but that doesn't seem to do what I'd like to do.
So can I add this kind of popup dialog/menu when I long-press on an item in a ListView?
Sure! In your delegate, create a MouseArea, and use the "onPressAndHold": signal. You can then use the coordinates of the mouse press to pop up any kind of item of your choosing.
In contacts, the menu that pops up is the element "Menu". Below is an example of how this could work:
@Page {
id: page1Button { text: "Press to Open Menu"; anchors.centerIn: parent; onClicked:}
Menu { id: myMenu; visualParent: pageStack;
MenuLayout {
MenuItem { text: "Example Item"; onClicked: console.log("example clicked")}
}@ -
Thanks Reffy!
And instead of a Button where I call, I could call my in a MouseArea's onPressAndHold signal that is defined for the Item in its delegate? That is what I had in plans :) Then I can also utilize directly from the Delegate its data about which ListView item was actually tapped and pressed on and do my thing based on that.
Yeah. You use the model's get method to acquire the information. You have to update the index manually by setting the View's current index to index. Code below:
@Page {
Menu { id: myMenu; visualParent: pageStack;
MenuLayout {
MenuItem { text: "Click to Print album name to console"; onClicked: console.log(exampleList.model.get(exampleList.currentIndex).albumName)
XmlListModel {
id: myModel
source: ""
query: "/subsonic-response/directory/child"
namespaceDeclarations: "declare default element namespace '';"XmlRole { name: "albumName"; query: "@title/string()" }
ListView { id: exampleList; model: myModel; delegate:
Rectangle { id: rect1; width: 480; height: 854; MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent; onPressAndHold:{ exampleList.currentIndex = index;}}}